Container ship 'Perkasa' ex Neptune Agate - the ship produced many Valvettithurai seafarers
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 19/09/2015 (சனிக்கிழமை)
Photo shows an old image of container ship Perkasa (ex Neptune agate) which was built on 1964 at a German shipyard and scrapped on 1996 at Alang of India, after a continuous service of 32 years.
The ship was operated by Neptune Orient lines - The largest shipping company in Singapore, where Valvettithurai based shipping merchant Mr.Manivasager along with Point Pedro based late Captain Charles Gnanakone, managed the entire crewing.
While the ship was in service, she paved the way for many Tamil youths, especially from well known coastal town of Valvettithurai to become seafarers in various ranks, where many of them are serving now as Master Mariners.
At Singapore anchorage in 1994
Ends her voyage at Alnang Scrapyard, India in 1996
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