FIFA Head declared open Jaffna Football Stadium at Ariyalai
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 03/12/2014 (புதன்கிழமை)
Sri Lanka’s first ever purpose built football training facility was declared open in Ariyalai of Jaffna yesterday on 2nd December of 2014 at about 1330 hours, by visiting FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) Head, Sepp Blatter.
Initiated in 2010, the Jaffna Stadium and training facility, which costs 60 million, is funded by FIFA and the German Embassy.
The Minister of Sports, Mahindananda Aluthgamage, NPC Chief Minister C.V.Vikneswaran, Army chiefs and other dignitaries also have attended yesterday’s ceremony in Jaffna.
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