Year end get-together held at Valvettithurai District hospital
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 31/12/2014 (புதன்கிழமை)
It was a good time for family fun and fellowship, including those retired staff, as the Valvettithurai district hospital held their year end get-together on 25th of Thursday, December 14.
The event that had commenced at the Hospital hall at about 10 in the morning, where Mr.Ketheeswaran (RDHS - Jaffna) had participated as the Chief guest.
Having commenced with the Prayer, District Medical Officer Dr.Kalaiselvi had given the welcome speech.
Entertainment of various events, including cultural events, were performed by the Staff and their kits followed by the address by the Chief guest.
At the end of the evnet, gifts of appreciation were given to the staff, including those retired, by the Chief guest.
Hospital staff and families, retired staff and members of the Hospital welfare association were present at the event, which had lasted till about 3 P.M.
The event was sponsored by 'A.S.Vishnusundram Memorial foundation'
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