Valvettithurai based well known writer Mr.P.Meenadchisundram has been awarded by Point Pedro Divisional Secretariat for upkeeping of documentation pertaining to Valvettithurai. He was awarded with others on last Saturday, 16th Aug of 2014, during an event of releasing a book named ‘Semparuththi’.
The event headed by Mr.T.Jeyaseelan (Point Pedro divisional secretary) was taken place at Point Pedro Pasupatheeswarar temple’s Parvapathavarthiny Hall, where Mr.S.Sathyaseelan, Secretary to Sports and Youth affairs ministry, had participated as Chief Guest.
The new book of Semparuththi, which has been published by Point Pedro Divisional Secretariat, includes many articles of several writers, including two articles of Mr.P.Meenadchisundram.
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