Thousands of devotees have massed at Thondaimanaru Selva Sannithi chariot festival
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 08/09/2014 (திங்கட்கிழமை)
The chariot (or "Ther" in Tamil) festival of the historic Thondaimanaru Selva Sannithi Murugan temple was held today, where thousands of devotees have participated at the event.
The chief Deity, Lord Muruga ‘Vel” was taken from the temple today morning at about 08:30 hours to the conventionally decorated chariot in order to commence the chariot festival.
Large number of devotees including Kavadi, Thukku kaavadi (Paravai Kavadi) etc were seen every where in the temple and roads leading to the temple. The chariot festival continued till about 1100 hours.
Group of volunteers had been deployed for controlling the mass crowd of devotees.
The last day festival of Holy bath is schedule to take place tomorrow morning.
We have live telecast the chariot festival event today and will live telecast tomorrow holy bath festival event too.
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