Thondamanaru lagoon - Most suitable place for public Boating
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 20/11/2014 (வியாழக்கிழமை)
Photo shows Thondamanaru lagoon, part of Thondamanaru – Chundikulam lagoon, the longest lagoon in this Island. It is covered by the newly constructed bridge and existing an old barrage in two sides, while other two sides are being covered by Green trees.
The lagoon is said to be having an area of 2,70,000 square meters approximately.
Since it is having such a vast area with reasonably clam sea, with no swell or waves, it is considered to be the most suitable place for the "Public boating' in Jaffna peninsula, however it is not appreciated yet by concerned people and authorities.
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