The special event of annual festival of Thondaimanaru Selva Sannathi Murugan temple has drawn thousands of devotees today. The 10th day special event called “Poonkavanam” in Tamil had commenced at about 1000 hours amid “Harohara” slogans by devotees.
Large number of devotes including “Kavadi”, “Thokuk kaavadi” (Paravai Kavadi) were seen in and out of the temple premises today.
This notable annual festival has commenced on last 25th and would continue till 9th of this month, where Chariot and Holy bath festival would take place on 8th and 9th respectively.
Thondamanaru Selva Sannathi Murugan is located at Northern tip of Jaffna Peninsula, Srilanka, along the Thondamanaru – Chundikulam lagoon, the largest lagoon in the Island.
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