Opening ceremony of Valvai community centre held today on 3rd February 2015. The event was headed by Mr.Rathnakumar (President of the community centre), where Mr.M.K.Sivajilingam, member of Northern Provincial Council, participated as the Chief Guest. The community centre was declared open at about 1730 hours by Mr.Sivajilingam, who was then secretary of this community centre in early 80’s and is the key person to the formation of this new Community centre.
Valvai community centre (‘Valvai sanasamuka seva nilaiyam” in Tamil), which is one of the notable land mark in this historical Valvettithurai, located at the juncture, has been recorded many events in the past, including the courteous visit of LTTE leader Mr.V.Pirabaharan, to meet those who were in fasting, in 1987 during the IPKF rule.
Mr.V.A.Athiroobasingam, Mr.Appathurai and Dr.Mayilerumperumal, who are the former members had briefed about the history of this community centre during the event.
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