Young swimmer receives four medals in swimming competition in TN
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 20/11/2017 (திங்கட்கிழமை)
Valvettithurai based young swimmer Thanuja Jeyakumar won 4 medals on Saturday at Tamilnadu state junior inter school swimming competition 2017 held at Coimbatore,Tamil nadu.
The 11 year old female swimmer attained the following records
1. Butter fly, 50 meter - first place - 34' 43"
2. Front style 50 meter - first place - 31' 16"
3. Front style, 100 meter - second place - 71' 6"
4. Backstroke 50 meter - 3rd place - 39' 74"
While securing 4 medals, Thanjua jeyakumar secured 23 points – becoming the champion of the competition.
Thanuja has participated in many swimming competitions in the past in India and won dozens od medals.
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