46th anniversary of Valvettithurai 'Nediyakadu Ganapathi padippakam' (library) held yesterday. The event was headed by Mr.S.Jeyaganesh, who is the president of 'Ganapathi padippakam', where Mr.S.Thillainaathan (Deputy director of the pre-schools of Vadamaradchi zone) had participated as the Chief guest.
The events had commenced yesterday (23rd of October 2013) at about 04:30 hours in the evening, by welcoming the guests from the outer road of 'Nediyakadu Thiruch chirrampala pillaiyaar temple', with the band music of the Children of the 'Nediyakadu Ganpathi' pre-school (Paalar paadasaalai in Tamil).
The event had continued till 10.30 PM with various programmes performed by many artists, including the Children of the 'Nediyakadu Ganpathi' pre-school.
'Nediyakadu Ganpathi padippakam' is one of the prominent library in VVT area, which is located in the outer road of Nediyakadu temple, along the Point pedro - KKS Road, which is about 900m east VVT junction.
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