Davidson University of North Carolina students visit Valvettithurai Indoor Futsal ground (2nd lead)
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 11/11/2013 (திங்கட்கிழமை)
A group of 30 students of Davidson University of North Carolina, USA, have visited Valvettithurai Indoor Futsal ground yesterday evening amid raining.
Prof.S.Rajendran, who is the founder of th Indoor futsal ground, has accompanied the visiting students and briefed about the Indoor Futsel ground – A ground which is the first Indoor Futsal ground in this Island nation.
Prior to the visit to Valvai Sports Arena (Indoor futsal ground), Davidson students had visited ‘Yoganaygi Study Centre’ located at Udaiyamanal Veethy, Vembady, Valvettithurai and had an hour of discussion with about 30 VVT students.
It is learnt that the visiting Davidson students were very much impressed by the positive attitude shown and the behavior of those students studying at this study centre. The discussion was said to be very fruitful and benefited both sides in turn. Both of them had exchanged their contact information.
Due to the day of the time and prevailed weather condition of ongoing seasonal North east monsoon, Davidson students were initially reluctant to visit the Sports Arena. However after visiting the Futsal ground they have realized that they would have missed it, if they would not have visited.
It is highly notable that VVT students studying at Yoganayaki study center had thrown remarkable message to the Davidson students, which too was highly appreciated by the Davidson students.
Photos show the students of Davidson University, Nort Carolina, who even had practiced of Soccer during their short visit.
The Indoor Futsal ground, located at Alakkadavai lane, Valvettithurai is considered as a gift for this famous little town, however the effective use of this ground still in question.
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