Founders day and price giving ceremony held at Valvettithurai Chithambara College today
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 11/11/2013 (திங்கட்கிழமை)
Founders day and annual prize giving ceremony of Valvettithurai Chithambara College were held today. The event was headed by Mr.R.Rajathurai, the principal of Chithambara College, where Mr.Sivapatham Nanthakumar (Director of education, Vadamaradchi Zone) has participated as Chief guest and Mr.Kanthar Ponnaiyah (Director of education, Maruthankeni Zone) has participated as a special guest.
The celebration was held at the school’s cultural hall, which commenced at about 14:30 hours and continued till 19:30 hours.
The ceremony which was filled with various dramatic and cultural events of the students, that had shown scintillating cultural display to the invitees.
Following the various events performed by the students, Mr.Siva Kirusnamurthy, (The former teacher of the Point Pedro Hartly College, the former Deputy Principal of Colombo Hindu College, and the president of the Elderly home of Vadamaradchi) had given a special speech.
The event was organized by Chithambara College Past Puple Association, Valvettithurai. Students, Ex Students, Number of Parents and well wishers had participated in the event.
The Valvai Chithambara College was found on this day in 1896, by honorable Mr.K.Chithambarapillai, with the name of ‘Chithambara Vithyalayam’.
Chithambara College is located at about 1 kilometer, west of Valvettithurai junction, along the Point Pedro – KKS road.
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