Cricket coach of Northern province, Mr. Puspakumara visits Valvettitthurai
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 05/01/2013 (சனிக்கிழமை)
Mr. Raveendra Puspakumara, Cricket coach for the Northern province, have visited Valvettitthurai on 3rd Jan 13.
Mr. Puspakumara particularly visited ‘Valvai Netgolu playground’ and presented cricket accessories to ‘Kalukukal Sports club’ and had given cricket coach to the students.
Thereafter Mr. Puspakumara had visited Valvettithurai Futsal (5 a-side football) ground , which is the first of its kind in Sri Lanka.
Mr. Puspakumara was accompanied by Prof. S. Rajendran, Mr. Sathees (President of Kalukukal Sports club) and several others, including Cricket coach of Jaffna district.
It is noted that Mr. Puspakumara had taken part of the Srilankan Cricket team in 1996 world cup.
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