Large crowds attend Vallipuram "Theertham" festival
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 20/09/2013 (வெள்ளிக்கிழமை)
The holy bath (Theertham in Tamil) festival of the historic Point Pedro Vallipuram temple in Jaffna Peninsula was held yesterday evening with thousands of devotees from all over the island participating the event.
The chief Deity Sakkarathu Azhvar along with goddess Luxmy, Ganapathi and Hanuman were taken to Karkovalam beach from the temple yesterday after noon at about 1500 hours, where special pooja was made in the presence of massive number of devottees. Finally the Theertham festival was held at about 1700 hours at Kakovalm beach of Bay of Bengal, north eastern coast of Srilanka.
Large crowds of devotees were kept coming from noon through evening and walked straight to Karkovalam beach which is about 4 Km from Vallipuram temple in order to take part in the holy bath.
Having returned from Karkovalm beach, 2nd phase of theertham festival had continued by taking the Deities to the outer road of the Vallipuram temple.
Due to the presence mass number of crowds and thousands of vehicles, heavy traffic was seen on the roads, which took about 3 hours to ease.
Vallipuaram temple which draws hundred thousand of devotees in Jaffna peninsula, is located at about 4 Km south east of Point Pedro town.
Aanai Vizhunthan road
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