Rare Phenomena of Sun set and Moon rise taken place simultaneously at Pacific Ocean during last full moon day. The rare event was experienced by a Master Mariner Capt.S.Manivannan, who shares his experience with our readers.
Concurrent events – Full Moonset & Sun Rise! Almost in 180 degree, opposite directions. In transit with the ship’’s Fore and aft line.
It was very interesting and an astonishing phenomena, in my opinion, even for a Merchant Navy Navigator, it is one of the very rarest experience in his life time, as the way it happened as coincidence during one of normal routine ocean passage, (and had not achieved it by any pre planned manoeuvre) that We had during our vessel’s Transpacific voyage from Chile, South America to China in the Far East Asia.
As you can see the vessel’s route map below, she is on a “Great Circle” navigation passage from South America to Southern tip of Japan, Far East. Her initial heading begin with 285 (T), gradually increase up to 300(T) and later gradually decrease to 270 (T) as final course when ending the Great Circle navigation sector at South of Kyushu, Japan.
Concurrent events – Full Moonset & Sun Rise! Almost in 180 degree, opposite directions. In transit with the ship’’s Fore and aft line.
It was very interesting and an astonishing phenomena, in my opinion, even for a Merchant Navy Navigator, it is one of the very rarest experience in his life time, as the way it happened as coincidence during one of normal routine ocean passage,(and had not achieved it by any pre planned manoeuvre) that We had during our vessel’s Transpacific voyage from Chile, South America to China in the Far East Asia.
As you can see the vessel’s route map below, she is on a “Great Circle” navigation passage from South America to Southern tip of Japan, Far East. Her initial heading begin with 285 (T), gradually increase up to 300(T) and later gradually decrease to 270 (T) as final course when ending the Great Circle navigation sector at South of Kyushu, Japan.
It was the Full Moon day, the 17th Nov 2013, Sunday. Vessel begins to roll easily since afternoon of this day as the weather condition improves from previous unpleasant week.
All the off duty crew had returned to their beds for a peaceful sleep/rest in the Night almost after a week, because the vessel had continuous moderate rolling during the past week due to the abeam hitting moderate swell as she carries high density Cargo of Iron Concentrate, made here very stiff on her intact & dynamical stability.
Everyone on board had the unpleasant mode and cramped themselves in the couch/sofa of their cabin during these moderate rolling days to get some rest/sleep and 17th Nov night, they had the week long waited relief to re occupy their conventional beds.
Having quite satisfaction of the undisturbed rest in the night , got up in the 18th Nov 2013 early morning and had a look at the vessel and the sea through my cabin porthole. I have observed that the very bright Full Moon was descending to set down, but surprisingly it appeared right above the vessel’s forward Mast.
As a Navigator, I am aware the Moon set and the Sun rise would be almost concurrent in the Full Moon days, there may be a very few minutes variable time gap between these events. (The said narrow time gap, which depends on Sun’s and Moon’s own variable Declination values in the months/seasons).
Got ready and gone to the bridge, just alerted the Chief Officer and the Deck Cadet (who were on duty) about the rare phenomena which had been taking place and that they have not taken Notice about it.
As per the Nautical Almanac,
The Moon has a Declination at 18th Nov 06:43 LT (17th Nov 18:43 GMT) 17deg. 49.5 min, North.
The Sun has a Declination at18th Nov 06:43 LT (17th Nov 18:43 GMT), 19deg.09.2min, South.
The Sun and Moon are in the opposite hemispheres, almost equal distance from the equinoctial and on opposite sides, one sets and the next rises. It indicated that they are in opposite bearing of each other in transit through the observer’s zenith.
Vessel’s geographical position in this time (18th Nov. morning 06:43 LT) was Latitude: 26 deg 06.7 min North and Longitude 174 deg. 08.24 min. East.
Surprisingly the heading maintained by the vessel during this time to follow the great circle track according to GPS passage plan execution was 288 deg. (T) and the Moon Set bearing was 288.8 deg (T), almost right ahead of the vessel.
It was the reason the descending Full Moon appeared over horizon, had been seen almost in transit line with the vessel’s forward mast. Then, it was clear that the Sun would rise almost right behind the vessel, in her strait line wake which she creates on the sea surface while making way.
We have been monitoring this rarest phenomena to see our estimation and calculations are how much accurate.
The Sun rise had given us the pleasure as the Sun upper limp exactly rose at 18th 06:43 SMT ( 17th 18:43 GMT) and almost right behind the vessel, in her strait line of wake, she creates over the sea surface.(please see the pictures).
The Moon Set was predicted for 18th 06:54 SMT , just 11 minute after Sun rise of the day. We were little unfortunate as there was a low level wall of clouds on the western horizon and Full bright Moon slipped behind the clouds in the direction right ahead of the vessel at 18th 06:39 SMT and unable to completely monitor the Full Moon’s final setting until it dip in to horizon.
We had observed the 95% of these rarest events in live, that most public and even the sailors will never witness in their life time.
The attached Pictures , The pages of the Nautical Almanac, are the supporting evident for our rarest experience.
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