A book release function was held at Valvettithurai New market Urban council auditorium on 18th Aug 2013 at about 1600 hours. The book ‘Aalkadal senravarkal’ (the men gone to deep sea - in English), which mainly described about 'Florence C Robinson ex Annapoorani' a sailing vessel which had sailed from Valvettithurai to port of Gloucester of United States of America, has been compiled and written by Mr.Seevaratnam, who is the ex manager of Bank of Ceylon.
The book was launched by 'Valvai kalai ilakkiya manram' with the participation of 'Vaiswa'. Apart from members of 'Valvai kalai ilakkiya manram and Vaiswa. Principals of VVT schools, Priest, Writers, Social workers, well wishers etc participated in the event, including the cultural official of Point Pedro Divisional secretariat Mrs.Sukuna.
It is perceived as a notable event that Mr.Navarathnasami, an old time Seafarer was honored at this function.
Mr.Seevarathnam explained how the book is laid out with information on the origins of the book. A theme touched on by all the speakers was the remarkable contribution of Mr.Seevarathnam and his voluntary work made to this project of his new book. However many other remarks are yet to come from others who had no opportunity to attend the events, especially those commenters living abroad.
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