Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has made great victory by securing 30 seats of the 38 seat North Provincial Council elections held yesterday after 25 years. According to the official results released in the morning, TNA has secured 14 seats in Jaffna district, where ruling government ally - United People Front alliance (UPFA) has secured 2 seats.
In Uduppiddy electorate, TNA has polled 18,855 votes (87.65%) and UPFA 2,424 (11.27%). A similar trend is observed in Point Pedro electoral division too.
It should be noted that Tamils in North have gone to the polls yesterday to elect their provincial legislators for the first time in 25 years.
Photo - Valvettithurai Uthayasoorian beach, where TNA election campaign held on 6th of Sep
TNA's Chief ministerial candidate Mr.C.V.Vigneswaran speaks at the campaign
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Video Ravi (Canada)
Posted Date: September 22, 2013 at 22:26
Personal thanks for your commitment in the media field & the special credit, for your media support (writings & photos) in this Election period.
Keep up your great job, thanks again.
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