A Matara Trawler stranded in Valvettiturai coast (2nd lead, re-edited)
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 29/11/2014 (சனிக்கிழமை)
A Trawler has been stranded today morning at the coast of Valvettithurai, just opposite of Chithambara College. The stranded Trawler which belongs to Matara of Southern Srilanka, has left few days ago for fishing at High seas in Bay of Bengal.
According to the fishermen of the stranded trawler, the trawler was on fishing off Point Pedro High seas and got its engine failed. In order to stop drifting: the trawler was anchored, however due to due the strong winds, waves action and current by the prevailing active North east monsoon, it was drifting in the way of North east monsoon and finally stranded here in Orikadu, just opposite to the Chithabara College ground .
Number of people from surrounding areas including police and military personal have visited to see the abandoned trawler.
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