Ancient historic Portuguese fort at Pooneryn in Northern Srilanka - Video
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 09/05/2015 (சனிக்கிழமை)
According to the history, this famous Pooneryn (or Poonakary, Poonakari) Fort was built in Poonakari area by Portuguese in 1770 in order to protect their possessions in Jaffna, after controlling the entire coastal areas of the mainland Srilanka. Following the Portuguese, the Dutch got control of this fort and expanded. Finally it fell into the hands of British, who built a rest house over here in 1805.
It is said that it was a square shaped fort with 2 bastions at opposite corners; the rampart on each sides was about 100 feet and was garrisoned till late 18th century.
Since 1983 of ethnic war it was garrisoned by the Srilankan Army. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) captured it in 1991 from Srilankan Army and continued to control it till eary 2009.
Presently only ruins of the fort remain, in an unattended bad condition.
Poonakary (Pooneryn) is considered to be strategically important place, as it is located so as to connect Jaffna, Mannar and Kilinohchi.
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