Annual Prize giving ceremony held at Valvai Sivaguru Vidthyasalai
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 12/06/2014 (வியாழக்கிழமை)
The Annual Prize giving ceremony of Valvettithurai Sivaguru Vidthyasalai, for the year of 2013/2014 was held today on 12th of June 2014 at the School Thiyal Bagara auditorium. Mr.J.Raveendran, Deputy Director, Vadamaradchi Zonal of Education, had participated as the chief guest. The event was headed by the school principal Mr.S.Jeyananthakumar,which had commenced at about 1430 hours.
Guest was invited from Kappaludaiyavar Vinajaka temple with the Band play, performed by the students. Numbers of various programs, including an English drama were performed by the students.
Chief Guest distributed the prizes to the winners of the year 2013/2014.
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