Valvettithurai born Writer, Teacher, speaker, founder of this Website Mr.Arumugam Athiroobasingam, 78, passes away on today at Point Pedro district hospital after becoming ill yesterday.
He has been an employee of Srilanka Transport board for about 20 years, and held the position of deputy depot superintendent at the time of his retirement.
Athiroobasingam, who was well versed to teach Tamil and Hidhu culture, had graduated in Bachelor of arts on Tamil and Hidhu culture.
He remained wildly popular into his 30s, when he and his colleague started a night school where number students, including LTTE leader Mr.V.Prabaharan and many other VVT based prominent persons had studied.
Athiroobasingam is said to be the one of the key person to form first sports club in Valvettithurai and he is the one and only president of this club for about 40 years
Athiroobasingam, also renowned as a poet, drama artist and writer and written number of books, including the first book, released by LTTE, about LTTE martyr ‘Kala paliyil muthal puli’ (First Tiger to die in the war) about Sathyanathan alias Shankar, who was the first member to die in LTTE.
Athiroobasingam leaves behind his wife, Daughter Ilamathy and two sons, Capt.Athavan and Capt.Asukan
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