Annual sports meet of Valvettithurai Chithambara College was held yesterday 30th Jan 2016 at the College sports ground. The events commenced at about 1330 hours, headed by Mr.C.Gurukulasingam, the Principal of Chithambara College.
Mr.S.Ramachandran (Officer of Vadamaradchi educational zone) and Mr.R.Rajaseelan (Adviser, Athletic, Vadamaradchi educational zone) participated as Chief guest and special guest respectively, where Mr.K.Thevasigamany and Mr.N.Thangavel participated as guests of honor.
Guests were welcome form nearby temple to the ground with student’s band play, where athletic events commenced at about 1400 hours after lighting the auspicious lamp.
Numbers of events, including PT Squat, March fast etc. were held.
Winners in Wight lifting - taken place last year (all Island School Games 2015) - R.Thasanthiny, K.Jogeswary, A.Sinthu were honored.
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