Video shows Sounds of little birds in the surroundings, partly built and abandoned structure, called as ‘’Kopuram’’ in Tamil, a 40 years old small tree with purple flowers, called ‘Alari’ in tamil, a 200 meter long outer road of the temple – with all, over here, a 115 years old ‘Sivan kovil madam’ is situated on the western side of the Valvettithurai Sivan kovil temple, in the Jaffna peninsula, Srilanka.
VVT’s first remarkable identity, Pandit Sangaranathar Vayithiyalingar (Vayithiyalingapillai) had formed a Tamil press called as ‘Barathi nilaiya muththiradsakasalai’ in this old ‘madam’, where he had published a monthly ‘Saiva apimaani’ in order to bring up the knowledge of the ‘Hindutuwa’ (Hinduism) and conducted a Tamil school so as to bring up the Tamil language, a language which does not have any substitutes,unlike many other languages spoken at present.
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