Annual sports meet of Valvetitthurai Nediyakadu Ganapathi Nursary School was held yesterday. The event was headed by Mr.S.Jeyaganesh (President of Ganapathi Nursery School) where Mrs.T.Kalaiselvi (District Medical Officer, District hospital, Valvettithurai) had participated as the Chief Guest, while Mr.E.Thevaguru (Former President of Ganapathi Nursery School) had participated as special guest.
The events took place at the outer road of Nediyakadu Thiruchirrampala Pillaiyar temple.
Number of people, including parents and well wishers, especially females had witnessed the events, which had commenced at about 1430 hours and lasted till 2000 hours.
Nediyakadu Ganapathi Nursary School is a leading preschool in this area.
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