You can talk in confidence about anything. Whether it's a problem with your life on the ship; life at home; a worry about health, or; you just want to talk to someone or anything else that you might want to know. If it's important to you, it's important to SeafarerHelp.
To make communication easier staff at SeafarerHelp speak many languages and offer their service by telephone, email, SMS, live-chat and even by letter.
They are there for you when you need them, every hour of every day. SeafarerHelp is a free service, available to all seafarers and their family members, no matter where you are or where you are from. If they can't help you, they will find somebody who can.
How SeafarerHelp works:
(1) You tell them what the problem is
(2) They look at the options available to you
(3) They work with you to decide the best option
(4) You are put in contact with the people in the best position to help
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