Selventhira unanimously re-elected as chairman of Valvettithurai Urban council
Posted Date: 15/12/2021
Valvettithurai independent group Chairperson Mr.Selventira was unanimously reelected today at Local authorities meeting held at Valvettithurai urban cuncil. Mr.Selventira was first elected to lead as Chairman three months ago, however he resigned with yearly defeated budget 2021/2022, two weeks ago.
Viewing public opinion on defeating of two months old ruling, A memorandum of understanding was signed yesterday between TELO, who represents TNA and Independent group, which facilitates Mr.Selventhira to continue to be Chairman for another 5 months.
Mr.Selventhira, was the Valvai Public committee's president during IPKF and LTTE conflict in late 80's, and known to be the key person to build Thiruvil Park, where LTTE's prominent leaders were cremated in 1987 and 1990.
Photos below show signing of MOU between TELO & Independent group on 14/12/21
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