National Youth Thai Pongal Festival was held today in Jaffna with the participation of 1,500 young people from country wide representing all ethnic groups.
Tamil traditional events such as 'Kidugu pinnuthal', 'Kilith thaddu', Tug of war, Bullock cart and Flying of Kites etc were organized at the festival that continued till evening.
Valvettithurai based '10 Boxes Kite' secured the first place and reward of 25,000 rupees.
The event commenced before noon at the ABESL Vidyalaya in Vadukkodai has been jointly organized by the Sri Lanka Federation of Youth Clubs and the NYSC.
It is learnt that the main objective of this pre-Thaipongal event was to make Sinhala and Muslim youth aware of Tamil traditional activities.
The Northern Provincial Council, Ministry of Cultural and Internal Affairs and Wayamba Development and Department of Cultural Affairs sponsored the Youth Thai Pongal Festival held today.
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