Thousands of devotees witness Skanda Sashti Soorasamharam festival at Thondamanaru Selva Sannathi Murugan temple
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 08/11/2013 (வெள்ளிக்கிழமை)
Several thousand of devotees, mainly from Jaffna Peninsula, witnessed the ‘Skanda Sasthi Soorasamharam’ (also called as ‘Kanda Sasti Sooranpor’) festival held today at Thondamanaru Selva Sannathi Murugan temple. The Kanda Sasthi festival is generally described as the 2nd annual festival of this temple due to the arrival of thousands of devotees.
The festival Skanda Sashti is dedicated to Lord Muruga, which had commenced on the 4th of this month and ends today with the main ritual of Soorasamharam.
The great belief is that Lord Muruga killed Soorapadman with his ‘Vel’ and this divine act is known as Soorasamharam. On the day, devotees celebrate this victory of good over evil and restoration of Dharma (also called as Dharmam). Tamils especially god Muruga devotees, around the world observe Kanda Sasti by fasting for six days.
Skanda Sasti is a major festival of Tamils in Srilanka and Tamil Nadu in India, Malaysia and Singapore.
Valli Tevyanai Tirukalyanam would be held tomorrow, 9th of November in all Murugan temples, including all Major temples.
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