Sport events & Prize giving ceremony of ‘Kazhukukal’ Sports club held yesterday (62 Photos attached)
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 26/06/2014 (வியாழக்கிழமை)
Final day events of sports and prize giving ceremony of ‘Kazhukukal’ Sports club held yesterday evening at ‘Kazhukukal’ Sports club ground, Commantharai, Valvettithurai. The events, headed by Mr.K.Sathees (President of ‘Kazhukukal’ Sports club) had commenced at about 1500 hours.
Mr.S.Sritharan (TNA Parliamentarian, Jaffna), Mr.M.K.Sivajilingam (Member of Northern provincial council), Mr.S.Sukirthan ((Member of Northern provincial council) and Mr.H.H.K.J.C.Samarasinhe (O-I-C, Police station, VVT) had participated as Chief guests and Commander of VVT army camp, Mr.I.Ravendran (Principal, Kamparmalai Vithyaalayam), Mr.K.Sandramohan (GS, Uduppiddy North) had participated as special guests.
The sport events continued till 1900 hours, where Imaiyaanan Central sports club won Sri Murugan sports club in Cricket, and Alvai Nakkeeran sports club won Kalaimathi sports club in net ball for women.
In the women foot ball event, Kalaimathi and Vathiri Diamonds sports clubs ended with draw. Uduppiddy Navajeevans Sports club won Valvai Athisakthi Sports club by one goal in the final event of the show match.
The prize giving continued till about 2000 hours. Kazhukugal sports club represent the youth of Commantharai Village that is having large area of farm land, which is located in the outer skirts of Valvettithurai in a south west direction.
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