Valvettithurai based duo get medals in kumite world championship held in Poland
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 31/10/2014 (வெள்ளிக்கிழமை)
Valvettithurai based Aarthi Karunakaran (Age 14) and Agilan Karunakaran (Age 7) has got Gold and Silver medal respectively in kumite (fighting) at the world championship for children, cadets and juniors that took place at Szczechin, Poland, from 15th tol 19th october of 2014, where more than 1750 competitors from 36 countries had taken part.
Further to above, Aarthi karunakaran had taken part in the European championship held at Verona, Italy, from the 11th to 15th of 2014, and acheivedbronze medalist in kata and kumite.
Both pf them are the students of sensi Ganeshalingam.
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