Mr.T.Manivasager, Valvettithurai based former shipping merchant Manivasager, whose exceptional professional social commitment prompted many seafarers to come up in the well known coastal town of Valvettithurai, has been honored by the people of Valvettithurai with the help of 'Valvai seafarer welfare association' today.
The event headed by Mr.R.Rajendra commenced at about 1745 hours by garlanding Mr and Mrs Manivasager at Valvettithurai junction.
The event continued at the Auditorium of the Valvettithurai new market where Valvai amman temple's priest, NPC member Mr.M.K.Sivajilingam, Seafarers and public had participated.
Several speakers, including Sivajilingam, several seafarers and Vaiswa staff praised the commitment of Mr.Manivasager towards Valvettithurai Seafarers.
Commemorative plaque from Valvettithurai.ORG
Mr.Manivasager, during the honoring ceremony, was presented by a commemorative plaque by us - Valvettithurai.ORG by his care, support and commitment towards brining up of Valvettithurai seafarers in the past.
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ARULL SELVAM (Melbourne,Australia)
Posted Date: September 18, 2015 at 15:59
My Best Wishes to Valvai Seaman Welfare Association for Organizing Successful Function to
Mr.Mannivasagar Anna.
He is several years of Experience in Shipping Industry and still serving is a great achievement.
I wish to Congratulate Manivasagar Anna and his Family for his dedication and wonderful services rendered to our Seafarers.
Wishing Manivasagar Anna all Success in future as well.
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