Kommantharai cricket tournament, Thirunelveli Muththuthambi and Kokkuvil Kamadchi win the matches
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 01/01/2014 (புதன்கிழமை)
The final matches of cricket tournament of Kommantharai youth sports club held yesterday night at Kommantharai Hindhu Tamil mix school's sports ground.
The final event was headed by S.Senthuran, president of the Kommantharai youth sports club, where Mr.M.Raveendran (Principal, Kamparmali Vidthyalayam), and Mr.K.K.D.W.P Kumarasinghe (O-I-C of VVT Police station) had participated as chief guests.
The first match of 8 over had started at about 2000 hours where Thirunelveli Muththuthambi sports club played against Kokkuvil Kamadchi sports club and the second match of 15 over had started at about 2200 hours where Karaveddy Gnanams sports club played against Kokkuvil Kamadchi sports club.
Thirunelveli Muththuthambi sports club Kokkuvil Kamadchi sports club won the matches respectively. The events lasted till midnight.
Kommantharai is located on the outskirts of Valvettithurai.
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