Valvai Sports club’s Football Tournament commenced
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 10/02/2014 (திங்கட்கிழமை)
The Vlavai Sports club, with the permission of Point Pedro Foot ball league, is holding a football tournament in Valvettithurai, which has commenced on 3rd of this month. 32 registered teams of Point Pdero league participate in the Tournament.
The tournament is planned as a 7 – a – side matches on knock out basis. The matches are being held in Rainbow Sports club’s ground, located in Vevil area of Valvettithurai. The tournament is sponsored by Well wish medical centre of Valvettithurai.
Foot ball is considered as the most popular sporting event in Valvettithurai that is having number of Sports clubs area wise.
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