Srilankan Navy wins Point Pedro league in football
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 22/03/2014 (சனிக்கிழமை)
Srilankan Navy won Point Pedro league in football 6 by 1, held today at Welisara navy camp ground – one of their home ground. Navy netted their 1st goal in the 1st minute and continued to net their 2nd and 3rd goals in 12th and 35th minute to give Point Pedro league a lead 3-0 in the first half.
In the second half, Point Pedro league netted their one goal in the 1st minute. However navy continued to net their 3 goals in 15th, 19th and 27th minute and game ended at 6-1 in Navy’s favour.
The match was organized by Srilanka football federation.
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