Valvettithurai Urban council has commenced to function from its own building since 18th March 13 onwards.
The foundation stone for the new U.C was laid in April 1999 by then Valvettithurai U.C Chairman Mr.M.K.Sivajiligam.
The project had been given up for some time due to lack of fund etc, however it has been resumed about two years ago under ENReP[Emergency Northern Recovery Project].
The Opening ceremony of Valvettithurai Urban council held on 01st of Mar 2013 at about 1300 hours. The event was headed by Mr.Nadarajah Anantharaj, who is the present Chairman of Valvettithurai UC, where Mr.Sandrasiri, the Governer of Northern Province and Minister Mr.Douglas Devanada were the Chief guests.
The New Valvettithurai Urban council is located along the KKS - Point pedro road, about 500 meter west of VVT junction, just opposite to popular Amman Temple.
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