The new Thondaimanaru bridge was ceremonially declared open today across the Thondaimanaru lagoon to public use, marking the end of a project that took over 4 years to complete. The Thondaimanaru bridge which connects Vadamaradchi and Valikaamam of Jaffna Peninsula has been totally damaged due to the ethnic conflict in the past.
Costing 200 million by the time of completion, the new Thondaimanaru bridge has been constructed under the ‘Emergency Northern Recovery Project called as ENReP.
It is learnt that the ceremony was organized by the ministry of Ports and Highways in association with the Road Development Authority. Minister of Port and highway Mr. Nirmala Kothalawala, Minister of Traditional industries and small enterprises Mr. Douglas Devananda and Governer of Norther province G. A. Chandrasiri have participated as chief guests and declared open the bridge at about 1100 hours.
Representative for UNOPS, Director of Road Development Authority Eakanayaka, Project Director of RDA Moses Mariyanayagam, Chief Engineer Suthakaran and relevant officials were also present at this event.
The Thondaimanaru bridge which is located on the Ponnalai – Point Pedro raod (B75) of which the width and the height of the bridge are 120m and 10m respectively.
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